
With the SLN program, in 3 MONTHS you can have the change you desire, youwill  have activated your inner observer and you will have taken your health into your own hands.

Before our 1st meeting you will receive a questionnaire, which includes:

- Personal & family health history
- Your eating habits (your own weekly eating plan)
- Your physical activity (if and how often you exercise)
- The possible sources of stress in your life

All the information you share with me is of course completely confidential. 

By compiling the above data, I have a complete picture of your unique genetic, environmental and psychosocial factors.

These help me to properly prepare and recommend to you a personalized nutrition plan and exercise suggestions.

What the sessions include: 

1st Month 

In our 1st online session we discuss:
- Your health history
- Your current nutrition plan
- Your tongue picture (because it shows the current state of your digestive and excretory organs)
From me you will receive:
* A guide with valuable tips from Smara Longevity Nutrition
* Your temperamental nutrition
* The beneficial and avoidable foods for you
* The right food combinations
* Recipes based on the 5 elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)
* Exercise suggestions
* Somatotherapy suggestions 

2nd Month

After a month,
* I evaluate the image of the tongue
* We discuss your progress and any difficulties you may have encountered
* The beneficial and avoidable foods for you
* New food combinations
* Recipes based on the 5 elements that will nourish you on all levels
* We discuss your new eating plan

3rd Month

We discuss the progress you have made during this time and the changes you have experienced.
* Evaluate the image of the tongue
* We discuss your new eating plan
* I recommend the ideal detox for you
* New Recipes
* Having now activated your inner observer and understanding the messages your body is giving you, you can now take charge of your health and the daily organization of your diet.
Because you know yourself better than anyone else. 

Session Packages

Basic Coaching Package

Program for 3 Months
*1 online lifestyle and nutrition assessment of 90 minutes
*5 online sessions of 45 minutes
*Email support
*Recipes, documents and recommendations
*Free Guide to being healthy

800 CHF

The Wellness Project

Program for 1 Month
*1 online lifestyle and nutrition assessment of 90 minutes
*1 online sessions of 45 minutes
*Exercise and physical therapy suggestions
*Email and text support
*Recipes, documents and recommendations
*Free Guide to being healthy

200 CHF

Corporate Health Packages

I can offer team coaching foryour staff.
I educate them on how to make healthy food choices in the workplace and how these healthy habits will stay with them for life.
Your staff will be productive, focused and happier.
Companies benefit from healthy staff.
Contact me if you are interested in the wellness of your employees. 

Group Coaching Packages

6 week program 
Healthy habits for a lifetime
6 x 60-minute online group training sessions
Email support
Recipes, leaflets and recommendations
Workout and bodywork suggestions
Free copy of the Beginner's Guide to Being Healthy eBook 

Through this beautiful journey, you will discover how fun and easy it is to prepare the meals that will give you energy every day from now on. 
Commit now to change once and for all. You can have it all and I'm here to share with you how.

     Smara Longevity Nutrition

    ©Copyright 2022 Smara -All Rights Reserved 


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Athens - Zurich